Debate Challenge!

The new geocentrists have issued a challenge for a public debate on whether geocentrism is a matter of divine revelation.  Here’s David Palm’s acceptance of that challenge:

I’m all for a public, moderated, written debate with each installment posted at each of our sites. Normal debate format: begin with a formal resolution, opening statements, cross examination, closing remarks. Word count limit instead of time limit. There have been a number of very effective and informative debates done in that way. I’m sure we can hammer out a resolution around whether the Catholic Church proposes an immobile earth to the faithful as a matter of divine revelation.

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Mark Shea’s Shout Out for Geocentrism Debunked

Thanks to Mark Shea for his write-up on this site:  David Palm Takes on the Thankless Task of Debunking Geocentrism

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Steve Ray Plugs Geocentrism Debunked

Never shy about expressing his views, Catholic apologist Steve Ray gave a plug to Geocentrism Debunked in his article Some Catholics Live in Nutsville; Does the Sun Really Revolve Around the Earth?  Thanks Steve.

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